Random thoughts on the topic we all love to hate: the graphics card industry.
...and I am bored to do any
Published on August 2, 2004 By Kombatant In Life Journals
Well this is the last week I will be working for the mag, since early next month I have to join the army here in Greece. Having Doom3 waiting for me in my house sure doesn't do any good to my productivity Apart from all that, I have to continue benchmarking the 6800 cards; I think i included too many benchmarks in my review, but hopefully it will make a pretty interesting read when I finish it. The 16-colour problem (aka the driver is not loading at startup) has given me headaches in Saturday night, where for three hours i was unable to make it work properly. Now it works again...oh well...

Did I mention I am too bored to do any work? If I didn't, well, here it is again. Btw at some point I need to sit down and catalogue my entire software collection; it's something long overdue and it needs to be done.

on Aug 22, 2004
i have a question, why dont you remove the stock hs and put a Pentium3 or athlon sink in your GF core?, with a 80mm fan it will have 0 noise. i think is not a risk and you are not overclocking at all.